Introduction of OXY5 HF

“Allow me to present the Restricted Release High Loyalty OXY5 HF, the OXY5 HF.
This exceptional version will be sold straightforwardly from Lynx Heli Developments processing plant to current OXY HELI clients on a pre-request premise.
What works everything out such that extraordinary?
The OXY5 HF will accompany each redesign and refresh included.
This incorporates all Engine and Tail equipping choices, both norm and 625 Tails, Plastic Landing Stuff, new one-piece Casing Spacers , new Enemy of Slip Tail Framework, unique specially Painted Blasts and Overhang with the HF Elephant badge. To made it considerably more Extraordinary we delivered a HF Oxy Cap that will accompany each pack.

About the logo: This Elephant is extraordinary for me, the raised trunk is an image of Best of Luck, Power, Achievement, Shrewdness, Experience, Steadfastness, Friendship and Solidarity. I can imagine no better image for the OXY Brand and Family.

As I referenced previously, this will be an extremely restricted version.

OXY5 HF – High Devotion – The development of a legend!

The OXY5 HF hit the market in 2019 as a unique advantage for the 500 to 625 mm sharp edge classes.

With it’s astonishing flight execution and set-up choices, it become so well known and adored by overall pilots.

Since at Lynx Heli and Oxy Heli we are continuously searching for ways of improving and attempt meet Tareq Alsaadi and all our Group Pilots solicitations of outrageous execution past the cutoff points, we tried sincerely as expected to “redesign” the OXY5 HF by adding additional highlights.

Since the cutoff points are known just when we place an objective, the OXY5 HF itself turned into our objective for more execution.

The OXY5 HF is a Hustling Version… a Contest Machine to stretch your boundary and present new wiped out locking machine.

Fundamentally the 5 HF is a Restricted Release unit in light of the standard OXY5 HF, then, at that point, all new parts intended for the HF are viable as tuning overhauls for your standard OXY5 HF that will provide you with an additional choice of redesigning just what you need or need.

Since each pilot has an alternate form inclination, the OXY5 HF accompanies all choices remembered for the container, surrendering all set choices that you merit.

See underneath what remembered for the Pressing Rundown.

The OXY5 HF High Constancy was idea for some reasons, for the most part in light of the fact that Tareq Alsaadi and his “no restrictions” method for flying.

Things began with practically no goal of delivering another Pack or overhaul offering, however to comprehend Tareq wants, machine limits and the reaction of various parts.

Many new parts were planned and tried with incredible achievement. Following a couple of months and overhauls improvement Tareq persuaded Luca with fervor, to make another OXY5 HF and satisfy our longings to Offer Extraordinary Items For WHO Truly Need Or Need.

OXY5 HF Extraordinary Version Versus Standard OXY5 HF Units.

The OXY5 HF not just look provocative in light of the new paint shade and blast tones, absolutely not a chance!

In the engine and around the machine many new parts convey critical execution updates.

Most importantly, lets list the OXY5 HF Overhauled Parts or Parts.

– Matte Paint Schema.

Utilizing less varieties layers and Matte Completion Paint (without Clear-Covering Layer) was feasible to decrease generally 20% the Shelter and Tail Blast weight. Less weight is in every case better and everything about help on that objective done accurately. Tareq Alsaadi knows that quite well and push us to track down arrangement that in the end conveyed a weight saving as well as the “high contrast” variety pattern is simply provocative keeping an extraordinary flight perceivability with contrast.

– Heavy Duty “Sprag” One Way System.

Because of an alternate Grasp Bearing, the enhanced One-Way Center with the new Sprag bearing can endure roughly 100 percent more force than that of the norm “Needle” grip bearing. The plan required another Aluminum Center point and Solidified Carbon Steel parts. This Redesign assist Tareq and all our Group With directing to push enormous engine power and long principal sharp edge with practically no power separations and predominant autorotation execution.

– Front and Rear CNC Aluminum Frame Spacers.

Standard OXY 5 utilize 10 barrel shaped Aluminum spacers to associate upper and lower Fundamental Casing, in the HF we supplanted those spacers with 4 CNC Aluminum Section Spacers (2 toward the front and 2 in the back) that once introduced make a Ultra Unbending gathering between the two edges. This Redesign helped Tareq and all our Group Pilots by lessening longitudinal edge twist giving an extra fresh exact tail.

– Anti-Slip Belt Tensioner Tail Case.

Standard OXY 5 Tail Case Framework works flowless, yet Tareq and other Group Pilots found as far as possible while performing insane Overspeed and while flying north of 3000 RPM!!! Like all of you can be aware, everything has limits, the point is to track down it and attempt to go past. The new OXY 5 HF Tail Against Slip Belt Tensioner Framework gives Tareq the “no-restriction” required push. Past that, the Tail Proportion was changed to fly Lower to Higher (yet exceptionally High) RPM involving 105mm tail Cutting edge set up the 95 mm typically utilized on the standard pack. This Update helped Tareq and our Group Pilots to perform supersonic overspeed and decrease disappointment and weakness while flying at an exceptionally high RPM (north of 3000).


– 1 x OXY 5 HF Unit with all new Redesigned Parts.

– 550 Complete Tail Framework Set.

– 625 Complete Tail Framework Set.

– Standard Servo Help Section Set.

– Little Servo Help Section Set.

– Additional Engine Shaft Backing Set.

– Complete 6 mm Engine Pinions Set: 11-12-13-14 Tooth

– Complete HF Tail Framework Pulley: 21-22 Tooth (95 to 105mm Tail Cutting edge Recommended).

– Complete Dampeners Situation Set (O-Ring and Unbending Framework).

– White and Dark Landing Stuff Swagger Set.

– 550 mm Lynx Fundamental Edge Set.

– 600 mm Lynx Principal Sharp edge Set.

– 95 mm Tail Cutting edge Set.

– 105 mm Lynx Tail Edge Set.

– Restricted Version OXY HELI – OXY 5 HF Cap

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